Uses This

Raw Markdown

Tool use is everything and nothing. The most important thing is to get work done.

i3 Window Manager

By Michael Stapelberg et al. Fast, uses screen space effectively. FOSS.

Emacs Editor

By Richard Stallman et al. Runs everywhere (GUI, TUI), highly extensible. Used with evil-mode. Org-mode for personal organization pretty extensively. FOSS.

NixOS Operating System

By Eelco Dolstra et al. Declaratively and centrally configured Linux distribution. Contrast with Ansible, which is more imperative-brained, vs functional. Useful for re-using configuration between systems, rollback stability. Comes also with general build system, "flakes", with a focus on purity and reproducibility. Technically source-based but purity and reproducibility means binary distribution "caching" is widespread. FOSS.

lf File Manager

By Gökçehan Kara et al. Terminal-oriented, customizable, fast. FOSS.

ActivityWatch Automatic Time Tracker

By Erik Bjäreholt et al. Shows you what you do on the computer, without intervention on your part. Plugins for browsers, editors. Some work on Android. FOSS.

Barrier IP KVM

I use this to switch between work and personal computers. Cross-platform, although I only use it on NixOS. FOSS.


I'm currently on the lookout for something like Readwise Reader, although self-hosted. Feel free to contact me if you know of something that fits the bill.